Welcome to our power washing services! We specialize in providing high-pressure cleaning solutions to transform the exterior of your property. Our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced technicians will efficiently remove dirt, grime, and stains, restoring the original appearance of your siding, decks, driveways, and more. Our environmentally-friendly techniques will leave your property sparkling clean, while protecting the surrounding landscape. Trust us to bring back the beauty of your outdoor spaces with our power washing services.

Exterior House Wash
Our Exterior House Wash service is the perfect solution for revitalizing the appearance of your home. Our experienced technicians use powerful, yet gentle cleaning methods to remove dirt, grime, algae, and other stains from the exterior of your home. Our solution is environmentally-friendly and safe for all types of surfaces, including siding, brick, stucco, and more. The result is a sparkling clean exterior that will make your home stand out. Let us help you transform your home's appearance with our Exterior House Wash service

Detached Buildings, Garages and Sheds
Keep your detached buildings, garages, and sheds looking their best with our power washing services. Our powerful equipment and experienced technicians will effectively remove dirt, grime, and other stubborn stains from all types of surfaces, including wood, metal, and concrete. Whether you need to clean a small shed or a large garage, we have the tools and expertise to get the job done right. Our environmentally-friendly cleaning methods will leave your buildings and structures looking refreshed and new. Let us help you maintain the beauty and value of your property with our Detached Buildings, Garages, and Sheds power washing services.

Roof Cleaning Restoration
Revitalize the appearance of your roof with our Roof Cleaning/Restoration soft wash services. Our gentle cleaning methods, using specialized solutions, effectively remove unsightly algae, moss, and other stains from your roof. This not only improves the look of your home but also helps to extend the life of your roof. Our highly trained technicians will carefully clean your roof without causing any damage, leaving it looking like new. Whether your roof is made of shingles, tiles, or metal, we have the expertise to bring back its original beauty with our Roof Cleaning/Restoration services.

Roof Debris Removal
Keep your roof clear and functional with our Roof Debris Removal service. Our experienced technicians will safely remove leaves, branches, and other debris that may have accumulated on your roof. This not only improves the appearance of your home but also prevents potential damage to your roof and gutters. Our efficient and thorough debris removal process will leave your roof free of obstructions, allowing proper water flow and preventing future buildup. Trust us to keep your roof in top condition with our Roof Debris Removal service.

Make a great first impression with a clean driveway and walkways. Our Driveway/Walkways power washing service will remove dirt, oil, and other stubborn stains from concrete, asphalt, and other types of surfaces. Our high-pressure cleaning methods will leave your driveway and walkways looking refreshed and new, enhancing the overall appearance of your property. Whether you're preparing for a special event or just looking to improve your curb appeal, our Driveway/Walkways power washing service will exceed your expectations. Let us help you maintain the beauty of your outdoor spaces with our professional cleaning services.

Interior Gutter Cleaning
Ensure the proper functioning of your gutters with our Interior Gutter Cleaning service. Our experienced technicians will remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from the inside of your gutters, preventing clogs and water damage. Our thorough cleaning process will restore your gutters to optimal condition, allowing them to effectively channel rainwater away from your home. Trust us!!!

Exterior Gutter Whitening
Transform the appearance of your gutters with our Exterior Gutter Whitening/Restoration service. Our experienced technicians will remove unsightly stains and streaks from the outside of your gutters, restoring them to their original color. Our safe and effective cleaning methods will bring back the beauty of your gutters, improving the overall appearance of your home. Whether your gutters are made of aluminum, vinyl, or another material, we have the tools and expertise to bring back their shine with our Exterior Gutter Whitening/Restoration service.

Patio and/or Screen Enclosure
Enhance your outdoor living space with our Patio and/or Screen Enclosure cleaning service. Our powerful and effective cleaning methods will remove dirt, grime, and other stubborn stains from your patio, screen enclosures, and other outdoor structures. Our environmentally-friendly solutions will leave your outdoor areas looking refreshed and new, ready for entertaining and relaxation. Whether you're looking to prepare for a special occasion or just to improve the overall appearance of your outdoor spaces, our Patio and/or Screen Enclosure cleaning service will exceed your expectations.

Stain Removal: Rust/Oil/Graffiti
Say goodbye to unsightly rust, oil, and graffiti stains with our Stain Removal services. Our experienced technicians use specialized solutions and techniques to effectively remove stubborn stains from a variety of surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, siding, and more. Our safe and efficient methods will restore the appearance of your property, leaving it looking like new. Don't let unsightly stains mar the beauty of your property. Trust us to provide effective and efficient Stain Removal services for rust, oil, and graffiti.

Window Cleaning
Bring back the sparkle to your windows with our professional Window Cleaning service. Our experienced technicians will remove streaks, smudges, and other dirt from the interior and exterior of your windows, leaving them crystal clear. Our safe and efficient methods will improve the appearance of your home, allowing more natural light to enter and improving your view. Whether you need to clean a single window or an entire home, we have the tools and expertise to get the job done right. Trust us to provide you with sparkling clean windows with our Window Cleaning services.

Deck, Fence and Wood Restoration
Bring life back to your deck, fence, and other wooden structures with our Deck, Fence and/or Wood Restoration service. Our experienced technicians will clean, sand, and stain your wood surfaces, removing dirt, grime, and other stains while restoring the original beauty of the wood. Our environmentally-friendly solutions and techniques will protect your wood from the elements and extend its lifespan. Whether you have a small deck or a large fence, we have the tools and expertise to bring back its beauty and protect it for years to come. Trust us to provide exceptional Deck, Fence and/or Wood Restoration services."

Patio Paver and Concrete Sealing
Protect your patio pavers and concrete surfaces from the elements with our Patio Paver and Concrete Sealing service. Our experienced technicians will apply a protective sealant to your surfaces, preventing water, oil, and other liquids from penetrating and causing damage. Our long-lasting sealing solutions will enhance the appearance of your surfaces, restoring their original color and shine. Whether you're looking to protect new surfaces or restore the beauty of older ones, our Patio Paver and Concrete Sealing service will exceed your expectations. Trust us to protect and enhance the beauty of your outdoor spaces with our professional sealing services.

Kids Play sets and/or
Exterior Furniture
Keep your kids' playsets and outdoor furniture looking like new with our Kids Playsets and/or Exterior Furniture cleaning service. Our experienced technicians will use safe and effective cleaning methods to remove dirt, grime, and other stains from plastic, wood, and other materials. Our environmentally-friendly solutions will leave your playsets and furniture looking refreshed and new, ready for hours of outdoor fun. Whether you're preparing for a special event or just looking to maintain the appearance of your outdoor spaces, our Kids Playsets and/or Exterior Furniture cleaning service will exceed your expectations.

Solar Panel Cleaning
Maximize the efficiency of your solar panels with our Solar Panel Cleaning service. Our experienced technicians will remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the surface of your solar panels, improving their ability to capture sunlight and generate electricity. Our safe and efficient cleaning methods will not damage your panels, ensuring that your investment in renewable energy continues to pay off. Whether you need to clean a single panel or an entire system, we have the tools and expertise to get the job done right. Trust us to provide you with the best Solar Panel Cleaning services available.
Satisfaction Guarantee
At J&J Garcia Lawn Care and Power Washing, customer satisfaction is our top priority. That's why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our services. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the results of our work, we will do everything in our power to make it right. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and provide you with the best possible service. Trust us to provide you with the highest quality power washing services and a satisfaction guarantee to back it up.